Paper Pitches on Grand Challenges Research and the Embeddedness of Temporary Organizing

November 28th to 29th saw the second workshop of the DFG Scientific Network “Temporary Organizing” coordinated by Timo Braun (FU Berlin) and hosted by Hendrik Wilhelm (University of Cologne). In addition to the presentation and discussion of paper pitches prepared by the network members—responding either to call for papers on „Tackling Grand Challenges with Forms of Temporary Organizing“ (prepared by Blagoy Blagoev, Timo Braun, and Anja Danner-Schröder) or „The Embeddedness of Temporary Organizing“ (prepared by Stefan Bohn, Andranik Tumasjan, and Matthias Wenzel)—the participants enjoyed presentations by Davide Nicolini (Warwick Business School) and Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari (Cambridge University).

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Two Autumnal Days in Cologne with Davide Nicolini and Shaz Ansari

Cologne, November 28-29, 2017

© format2d


The DFG Network on Temporary Organizing is currently gearing up for its second meeting to take place at the University of Cologne on November 28/29. In this post, we want to provide a short outlook on our upcoming program and our pre/post-workshop activities.

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